The Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia awards eleven scholarships to conduct international studies abroad

This year, it has awarded ten scholarships for Postgraduate Studies in International Relations and one scholarship for Studies on Euro-Mediterranean Affairs

The jury of the 36th call for scholarships for Postgraduate Studies in International Relations and the 2nd call for scholarships for Studies on Euro-Mediterranean Affairs decided to award 11 scholarships of 25,000 euros each for the 2019-2020 academic year.

The scholarship holders are eight women and three men who, from September, are studying at the University of Warwick, the University of Oxford, King's College London and the University of Ulster in the United Kingdom; Science Po in France; and the University of Tübingen in Germany. The subjects chosen include studies on gender, human rights, humanitarian action, the environment, development, geopolitics, the Middle East and European studies. Through the Natolín scholarship (Poland), DIPLOCAT wishes to train specialists in issues specifically related to the European neighbourhood policy and the Euro-Mediterranean policy.

DIPLOCAT's secretary general, Laura Foraster, highlighted "the importance of the scholarship programme because of its contribution to the training of young people in current and global issues and the possibility of promoting their return as new talent for the country".
Since 1982, DIPLOCAT has awarded a total of 275 scholarships, offering the opportunity for young Catalans to complete their international training. This year, an effort has been made to grant more scholarships because none were granted last year. In this new call, the jury decided to award ten scholarships for Postgraduate Studies in International Relations and one scholarship for Studies on Euro-Mediterranean Affairs at the College of Europe in Natolín.

DIPLOCAT's scholarship programme allows young graduates of Catalan universities to take master's or postgraduate courses in international relations with a maximum duration of one year at specialized universities around the world. The programme aims to train specialists in international relations, to promote the excellence and internationalization of higher education in Catalonia, and to help the best students to collaborate in the international promotion and public diplomacy of Catalonia.